Doing Business

Register/Update Business/Organization

If you are a business or organization within the Municipality of Callander and your business/organization doesn't appear in our Business Directory, then fill in the form below and submit your details. The Municipality will review the information submitted and add it to the business directory.

If your business or organization is listed in the Business Directory, but is showing incorrect or incomplete information, fill out the form below indicating you want to update an existing entry and submit it to the Municipality. Will we update the business directory as soon as we are able.

Maximum 150 characters.

Click browse to select a file to upload or drag-and-drop an image over the text box.
Valid image formats: jpg, gif, png. Maximum file size 4MB

Search/Select at least one category this business belongs to from the list. Can't find a suitable category? Select Uncategorized.

Maximum 255 characters. Can't find a suitable category for your business? Provide one or more suggestions.

Maximum 150 characters. Street or postal address.

Maximum 150 characters. Use for rural routes, P.O. Box numbers, or suite/unit numbers.

Maximum 100 characters.

Maximum 2 characters.

Maximum 7 characters.

Maximum 25 characters. Preferred format: (xxx) xxx-xxxx ext. xxxx

Maximum 25 characters. Preferred format: (xxx) xxx-xxxx ext. xxxx

Maximum 25 characters. Preferred format: (xxx) xxx-xxxx ext. xxxx

Maximum 25 characters. Preferred format: (xxx) xxx-xxxx ext. xxxx

Maximum 255 characters. Separate multiple email addresses with a semi-colon (;).

Maximum 150 characters.

Maximum 255 characters. Must begin with either http:// or https://

Enter as much information about your business as you would like to provide.

indicates a required field